Ashley’s Athlete Story: Accomplishing things she never thought possible

Coach Harmony: Hey Ashley! We are so proud of you getting your first pull-up and conquering box jumps during the CrossFit Open 2017 and wanted to ask you a few questions about your athlete story!

Ashley: Awe!! Those were SO huge for me!!

H:  So my first question is, what originally brought you in to CrossFit Ampersand?


A: To be honest, I wanted to get back into CrossFit and get back into shape after a lot of ups, downs, and inconsistencies in the gym. My last coach pretty much checked out before he closed and most of the members went to the another CrossFit, but I’ve known Jeff since elementary school so I leaned towards Ampersand.
I had talked to him a few times before I got myself in gear but just wasn’t ready yet. Then, I saw a video CrossFit Ampersand posted on social media that really pushed me. It showed the strength and support between everybody-members with much different physical abilities motivating and encouraging each other.


H: What was your first impression of CrossFit Ampersand?

A: Everything looked clean and in its place-it wasn’t hard to get the hang of everything right away. I only knew one or two people there, but literally everyone I met was welcoming. I never felt ‘out of place.’ You and Jeff have the passion for this, you encourage proper form and growth. There have been times when I didn’t think I could add 10 lbs to my lift and you said ‘yep you’re strong you’ve got this’ and sure enough I did! You’ve shown me what my body is really capable of.
Another thing that I love about Ampersand is the electronic systems. In the past we kept notes and workouts in a notebook. At Ampersand we have even more tools to accomplish our goals, continue to improve and motivate each other!

H: Aww! Okay next question: After your first few experiences, why did you choose to stay at CrossFit Ampersand?

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A: EVERYTHING! I can’t even describe how incredible I felt after my first day!! I knew I would continue with CFA from my first day forward. I love the WOD’s. They’re challenging, but I feel like a new person when I’m finished. The adrenaline I guess? It’s addicting – I need it – mentally and physically! I find myself mad if I miss a good WOD, haha! Although I have a long way to go, I am down 30lbs. I’ve seen how far I have come in the last few months with new accomplishments, things that I never thought I would be able to do-or never would have pushed myself to do, like weighted lunges in the open and conquering box jumps after 17.1!  CFA has a great moral. Again, everyone is so supportive, both coaches and members. There’s no judgment…I never felt out of place-which is huge with such a variety of members. 

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H: So much love!!! Okay final question! What will you do next? Or what is your next goal?

A: I feel like I have so many! I need to work on my eating habits and I hope to drop another 30 lbs. I need to progress in pull ups. Be able to string together kipping and to do strict too.
I want to conquer toes to bar next, give handstand push-ups a shot since I’ve never actually tried those. And I’m climbing that rope next time I get the chance, haha, hopefully!!

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