Naomi’s Athlete Story: Finding your inner strength!

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This month we’re interviewing Naomi. She and her family are newer members with us and have been such a joy to have in the gym. Naomi has shown some amazing improvements, not only in her fitness, but with her mental fortitude. We asked the coaches and our interns who they thought we should interview for this month, and it was unanimous. Naomi has stood out tremendously and represents what we are all about at Ampersand. She truly has a warrior’s heart and determination to break down barriers standing in her way to becoming who she wants to be as a strong woman.

Q: What brought you in to CrossFit Ampersand?

A: Well first, I had been wanting to come back to CrossFit after a 9 year absence because I did really enjoy it when I was doing it, I had let life really get in the way. Second, I have always struggled with self-confidence and anxiety but for this past year or so it had gotten really bad to the point where if I didn’t have to be anywhere I was more comfortable to just stay home and sit around. My family kept telling me if I started to do some kind I physical activity it could really help me mentally, and they were right! I had just procrastinated for too long. 

Q: What was your first impression of CrossFit Ampersand?

A: Everyone was really nice and encouraging, it is a comfortable environment to workout in, and I didn’t feel like I was being judged as to my ability. The workouts weren’t just what was written on the board or nothing. The coaches really helped me to scale the workouts to my current abilities and reassured me that I would progress if I was consistent.

Q: Why did you or what made you stay at CF Ampersand?

A: Coach Marshall said one day that even if you show up and it wasn’t your best day, you are doing 90% more that the people sitting at home on the couch. I try to remind myself of that on the days I feel like just quitting or I’m tired and don’t feel like going. Also, seeing everyone else show up and do their best whether it was a good day or a bad day for them and then cheering everyone else on really helped me to just show up and do my best. And I started see results in the way my clothes fit, I was sleeping better, I was overall happier. 

Q: What’s one accomplishment you’re proud of during your time at CF Ampersand?

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A: The hold complex workout we did recently. I feel like it was one of the first workouts where I didn’t let overthinking it hold me back, I just blocked out the discomfort and the voice in my head telling me to just drop the bar. I was able to hold it for the whole ten minutes!! It was also one of the first workouts where I just had to drop to the ground afterwards and take a minute. It made me feel REALLY happy and like I had accomplished something big. I’m really proud of myself for that workout!

Q: What will you do next? 

A: Well I’ve had some trouble getting under my lifts and I would really like to work on that so I can do them more efficiently. And long term I really want to be able to do the rope climb and sign up for a fun run. 

Q: What advice would you give someone who is interested in starting CrossFit? 

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A: I would tell them to ignore the voice in your head telling you you’re not good enough and that you are going to fail, and ignore the sick feeling you get on your way to the gym because I guarantee you that when you leave after the workout, you will feel better than when you walked in. Also everyone is there to cheer you on, and help you push yourself to do the things you thought you wouldn’t be able to, and you will see the results. It’s not going to be easy or instantaneous but with consistency and help you’ll be able to reach your goal at CrossFit Ampersand! ????

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