Josh came in with one goal in mind… to prove to himself and others that he could get into the best shape of his life. Since then he has put on several pounds of muscle, lost body fat, and has hit all time bests on his major lifts. He is constantly pushing himself to see what his limit is, but on top of all that, he is one humble dude. Thank you Josh for being such an inpiration to those around you inside and outside of the gym!
Why did you join CrossFit Ampersand?
I’ve always been competitive. I’ve always loved being active and working out. The combination of these things inside the Ampersand family atmosphere has been very welcoming.
What’s been your biggest accomplishment so far?
Muscle ups! That S___ ain’t easy. I struggled to learn the movement for years at a previous gym. Jeff showed me one small tip with feet placement during my Kip that solved my mental block. It was like a light switch turning on.
What are you working on now (or what do you want to accomplish next)?
I’m trying to perfect my form in all things CrossFit. From push-ups and pull-ups to Clean/Jerks. Learning how to do it the right way is important to longevity in this sport.
What’s your favorite CrossFit Ampersand memory?
My favorite memory so far has to be the first time I did a Muscle Up. I was in shock. I worked so hard for so long to learn that movement. It felt really good.
What motivates you to continue training at CrossFit Ampersand?
That’s easy, I want to look good naked. I mean, I can’t be the only one?