Barbell Club & Open Gym

BARBELL CLUB & Open Gym are here!

Barbell Club & Open gym begins tomorrow! This a great addition and we are really excited to have this as an option for our members. Here is an idea of how it will work.

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Open gym is time to come in and work on skills and/or hop on our Ampersand Weightlifting program. This is a minimally coached time where a coach will be there, but is not there to be your personal coach (i.e. they will not be leading you through the class time). This is important due to the amount of people that will be in Open Gym. This is also not a normal class structure, so your warm up and your time is dictated by you.

The coaches will be on hand to assist in minor coaching, but it will not be uncommon for coaches to be training alongside you. This gives you, the athlete, the opportunity to see the coaches in action and, as my mentor would say, “learn by osmosis.”

How much is it?
The next week is FREE – come try it out and see what you think

The schedule will be the following for two weeks while we evaluate the new addition!
Tuesdays 7:00pm-8:00pm
Thursdays 7:00pm-8:00pm
Saturdays 11:00am-12:30pm

We encourage you to utilize this time and open forum coaching to hone your skills such as Olympic Lifting, gymnastics, and technique. You may also use this time to make up a WOD that you missed during the week or the week before.