Today is our son’s 3rd birthday. We’ve been soaking up every minute, trying to spoil him in little ways, and doing what we can to make him feel special. And I’m not sure who’s having a better day – us or him.
So far he’s been excited and covered in smiles when we wished him a happy birthday, when he told us he was big now that he was three, and when he got to pick out a donut to have with breakfast opened presents… followed by going outside to blow bubbles, video chatting with grandparents for them to sing to him, and wearing his new ninja turtles sweatshirt to his nap.
And all day, especially reflecting back on photos of him growing over the last 3 years, I’m trying to soak it all in. I know in 3 more years I won’t remember every detail of today. I hope I’ll remember that he kept saying Hakuna Matata (more like Pumba-to-tada), the exact way his face lit up with each bubble he popped, and how hard he hugged me when he woke up. But likely, like other memories over the past 3 years, some of them will fade. What won’t is that he had a happy birthday and that I was filled with joy the whole day watching him.
Today reminded me that sometimes I have to look for joy. My days get busy. Between coaching and behind the scenes business work, being a mom & wife, and fitting in a workout, there are days I don’t feel joyful. But usually, the option for joy is right there. Judah smiles and plays every day. When I workout, I love seeing your faces and getting to move and appreciate my body. Those moments, when I take the time to soak them in, bring me joy.
Want to know what’s crazy? When I take the time or remind myself to soak in the little moments – I am happier. Happier for that day and when I reflect on my week – I find myself thinking “it was a good week.” And then I find more happy moments and my week gets even better!
It’s not necessarily that I had more high points one week or another, but that I took the time to notice them and to focus my attention on them.
So here’s a challenge for you:
Starting today, look hard for little moments that bring you joy. Look for things that make you smile, thankful, or happy. Those moments/things/people – these positive highlights can change your overall attitude to be more positive.
Write them down. If you’re not in the practice of noticing these positive good things – write them down and keep a list.
At the end of your week – share your list with a friend. In our members only facebook group we do a thing called “Bright Spots Friday” where everyone shares highlights from their week with each other. If you’re not a member, try texting a friend to say, “I just wanted to share some positive highlights from my week” and then ask them how their week was.
Enjoy finding your joy!
– Coach Harmony
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