gardnerville gym

Member Spotlight: Winter

My husband was already a member, so I was familiar with the community & environment; but it wasn't until I reached the point of "investing in myself" that I decided to become a member too.  I had reached a plateau in my weight loss/wellness journey & knew that I needed to try something else in order to progress.  I had gone as far as I could on my own, but needed to do something more to go forward.  So, I decided to give crossfit a try.  I knew that a crossfit workout would help shock my body off the plateau.  What I didn't expect was how much the coaching & community would also change me for the better!  This gym is truly crossfit plus AND more :-)

My biggest accomplishments so far:  

  • Increased strength!! Couldn't do a dead hand from the rig for more than 10 seconds when I started.  Now, I can hold it for 1 minute!

  • Facing my fears/insecurities about weight lighting & other stuff, like kettlebells & box jumps.

  • Some things are not my favorites, but I'm definitely more willing to try now. Also, when I do overthink a workout, there's always a coach or gym partner to encourage, challenge & praise.

Current goals:  

  • Improving my jump rope skill, so I can manage 50+ singles unbroken.

  • Being able to do my 1st real pull up, toes to bar & wall walk.

  • Being able to run a 3K without stopping & running Murph next year.

  • Reaching my final weight goal by year end.

Favorite memory:

How excited Ilene & Harmony were at the results of my 3month body scan.  It felt so good to know what I had accomplished & that there were others who were proud of me too :-)

What motivates me to continue:

All of the above!!!  I have been truly surprised & thrilled by the physical and mental changes that have happened in the last 6 months.  I just want to keep this journey going with this gym & its community.  I am so very thankful for everyone at Crossfit Ampersand!

Create your own story with our coaches here at Ampersand! The first step is to click that button below and schedule a Free Intro!

Tanya and the CrossFit Open!

Meet Tanya, a committed member of the Ampersand community for several years. She's not just a CrossFit enthusiast; she's an Open veteran, having taken on the challenge multiple times. As we gear up for this year's Open, let's dive into her journey and discover what motivated her to take the leap into the Open!

Read Tanya’s story below!

I believe my first open was either 2013 or 2014. I know I started CrossFit in 2013 but I’m not sure if I started in time for the open that year. I have missed an open or two since starting due to injuries and surgeries, but have done at least eight years worth of the open.

I really like how it brings people together and increases the CrossFit community with camaraderie and teamwork and helps people push themselves a little farther than they would normally go.  It’s really fun to think that some of the best athletes in the world are doing the same work out that you’re doing albeit, at your scaling for your personal fitness and needs.

My all-time favorite open memory was from last year when the “ladies night“ crew was competing together and it felt like the whole gym was there cheering us on. It was so exhilarating and so amazing to see these women from different walks of life push each other and support each other in their endeavors.

Don’t think about it- just do it! You will love the exhilaration and the momentum it provides, and you will succeed in things you never thought you were capable of!

I’m excited to be in the open again this year and I can’t wait for my husband to experience Friday night lights as he has returned to CrossFit and the Open this year!

Ready to script your own Open story?

As Tanya highlights, it's not just a fitness competition; it's a celebration of community, teamwork, and personal triumphs. The Open transcends the gym walls, connecting us to a global community of CrossFit. So, don't hesitate – join us in the Open this year. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting, the Open is about pushing boundaries and surprising yourself. Let's create unforgettable moments together!

Member Spotlight: Whitney B

Meet Whitney, a mom who decided it was time for a change. She took on her fitness journey at CrossFit Ampersand, not just to redefine herself physically but to reclaim her mental and emotional well-being. We are very happy to share with you her story - Read more below!

Why did you join CrossFit Ampersand?

I joined CrossFit Ampersand because honestly I didn’t like the person in the mirror. About a month before my son’s first birthday, I came to the hard conclusion that I wasn’t happy mentally, physically, or emotionally. I had been battling postpartum depression for the better part of that year and I knew I wasn’t going to be the mother I wanted to be if I didn’t make a significant life change.  So I decided to try something I had always been too intimidated to try.

What's been your biggest accomplishment so far?

I have had a lot of personal accomplishments in my fitness journey so far.  I think the biggest two that come to mind would be doing full rope climbs and wall walks in a workout.  One of the first few classes I saw, people were doing wall walks and rope climbs and I remember being so impressed.  I just kept thinking, “These people are just incredible. Maybe I’ll be able to do one of those in a couple years.”  Fast forward a few months and I was able to do full rope climbs and mostly full wall walks, albeit not pretty ones, in the workouts. I honestly cannot remember feeling that pumped after a workout as I was after those.  

What are you working on now (or what do you want to accomplish next)?

Currently I am working on strict pull ups and double unders. I was able to get 5 single-single-doubles in a row last week!

What's your favorite CrossFit Ampersand memory?

So far my favorite CrossFit Ampersand would be the first strength cycle test week for Front Squats.  I paired up with Winter and remember hoping to hit 90lbs on the front squat and I believe Winter was shooting for 80lbs.  We both encouraged each other and I ended up at 110lb and Winter hit triple digits.  There was just so much positive energy in that class it was just awesome. I remember driving home with a smile on my face the whole way.

What motivates you to continue training at CrossFit Ampersand?

My two children and wonderful husband are what motivate me to continue training at CrossFit Ampersand.  Not only has it been easier to keep up physically with my two babies and my husband with home projects, but I feel like I’m a better mother and wife.  If I’m having a hard day, I know I can get an awesome workout with some amazing people and come back home feeling re-energized. Since starting at CrossFit Ampersand, I truly feel like I can fully show up for my family.

Inspired by Whitney’s incredible journey? Ready to script your own success story? If you're yearning for a change, join us. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting, we're here to guide you. Your mental, physical, and emotional well-being matter, and we're committed to helping you become the best version of yourself!

Member Spotlight: Alicia

We are so excited to share with you Alicia’s story since joining Ampersand. She has made some amazing progress and made coming to the gym a consistent part of her routine.

Read more below!

My good friend has done CrossFit for years, and she always inspired me! She constantly told me I'd love it, but I didn't have the courage to join. Watching her go through her postpartum recovery at CFA, honestly sold me on CrossFit. Seeing how strong she is, how her body healed, and hearing about the people who encouraged her, made me want to learn more.

After my no-sweat intro, I had an immediate desire to be healthy inside and out! The Ampersand team truly made me feel comfortable, and excited to learn.

I would say my biggest accomplishment so far is consistently waking up at 4 am to be at the gym for the 5 am class! I thought being up that early, getting there, and doing the work would be impossible for me. However, the 5 am class is filled with encouraging humans who push me to be better and make me want to come back as much as possible. Being able to come home, and enjoy my mornings with my son before work is so sweet. I also love being able to know that I did the work in the morning, so I can spend quality time with my family in the evenings.

My biggest goal right now is to gain more strength by building in weights, and challenging myself in moves that I can't do yet (string together pull-ups, rope climb, handstand push-ups).

Honestly, I have had a lot of good memories in my 7 months at Ampersand, but my favorite one is when Rachel ran with me. It was early in the morning, and I was struggling with my run, but she slowed down to talk me through how to breathe and pace myself, which allowed me to keep going. Sometimes in workouts, I want to stop or quit, but so many people at this gym are constantly reminding me to just keep going, which has helped my mental game so much! Now I tell myself "Stopping will make it harder, keep going" instead of saying "I just want to stop."

I would say the motivation to continue to come back is the way my husband and son see me now. My son points out my muscles and tells me I am strong. My husband tells me how proud he is of me, which feels pretty dang good!

Write your own success story by booking an Intro - See you in the gym!

Member Spotlight: Steve

Steve has been working closely as a personal training client and has an amazing story. When he came in he had a goal to get back into shape and get serious about his health. We are very proud of you Steve and honored to share your story!

Here’s Steve’s journey in his words:

About 18 months ago I decided to step away from full-time work. I told my friends and colleagues I was retiring to pursue "health and fun." I was closing in on age 67. A factor in my decision was that my parents had passed away at ages 64 and 72 from heart ailments. I figured I better get after it.

For decades I played basketball, jogged, and tried to stay active. But the combination of pursing yet another start-up company and COVID had put me out of shape and overweight. Plus, I had pretty much ignored my medical health, rarely going to a doctor.

Given my new lease on life, I started getting serious about walking 4 miles or so every day with my dogs. I signed up for a primary care physician and through a series of tests discovered I had early stages of cardiovascular disease and stage 3 prostate cancer. I got the cancer treated with a new procedure and am now in remission. So next was working on lifestyle changes with my cardiologist to get healthy. I adjusted my diet (minimize sugars, reduce calories, focus on plant-based foods) and adopted intermittent fasting.

I recently moved to Nevada as a snowbird and last spring soon after my cancer procedure I decided to sign-up for CrossFit. What appealed to me was muscle confusion exercise and functional training. As I get older, I believe it is important to maintain my function: ability to get up and down while building strength, stamina, flexibility, and balance.

Truthfully, I was apprehensive about getting started. My conditioning was way off, and I was worried that I would have trouble learning new things at my age. I decided that personal training at CrossFit Ampersand with coach Eli would be best for me to get started.

In the beginning I had trouble completing a single strict push-up. I was also constantly hitting the cap in planned workouts, i.e., not completing within the allocated time even for the greatly reduced targets. Now I am progressing and getting better. I regularly set personal records and almost always get the planned sets done within the time caps.

I know that I miss out on some of the benefits of CrossFit from not joining a class session. I see that the friendly competition and the mutual encouragement creates a nice atmosphere. However, the private lessons with Eli work best for me. He designs workouts for me each day that challenge me and help me progress as the difficulty keeps increasing, but just within my reach.

Eli also makes sure I have my exercise watch app turned on so the I can track my heart rate.
When he sees me overexerting, he encourages me to check my heart rate so I can keep it within my planned bounds. My cardiologist wants me to do intervals, but I have a target maximum she'd like me to stay within. I am getting more and more done within that maximum. I also do the Genoa Loop hike (10 miles with 1500' elevation gain) once or twice most weekends.

Since starting l am down about 40 lbs in fat and have added almost 10 lbs in muscle. Heart rate recovery is a good measure of cardiovascular health. The other day my heartrate dropped 47 bpm in 2 minutes after a strenuous exercise. When I started that was less than 10 bpm in 2 minutes. This summer I am averaging four CrossFit workouts per week and Eli has been awesome working with me when I must adjust schedules. l am a big proponent of CrossFit Ampersand and working with Eli.

Congratulations Steve on all of your progress and hard work!

We would love to talk to you about creating your own success story!

Why Rest and Recovery are Essential for Optimal Fitness

We're all familiar with the hustle and grind mentality when it comes to fitness. Pushing harder, going faster, lifting heavier – it's all part of the journey. But have you ever stopped to consider the importance of rest and recovery?

The Myth of Non-Stop Workouts

It's easy to overlook the fact that rest is where the magic happens. When you push your body to its limits, whether through weightlifting, cardio, or any other activity, you're actually causing micro-tears in your muscles. It's during the recovery phase that these tears heal and your muscles become stronger. Without proper rest, you're hindering this natural repair process.

Physical and Mental Rejuvenation

Rest isn't just about repairing your muscles – it's about revitalizing your mind and body. Adequate sleep and recovery time are essential for maintaining cognitive function, emotional well-being, and overall mental clarity. Ever noticed how your mood and focus improve after a good night's sleep? That's because your brain needs rest just as much as your body does.

Preventing Overtraining and Injury

Pushing your body beyond its limits without giving it proper time to recover can lead to overtraining. This can result in fatigue, decreased performance, and even increased risk of injury. By incorporating rest days and active recovery into your routine, you're actually setting yourself up for long-term success. It's not about avoiding workouts; it's about optimizing them.

Listening to Your Body

Your body has a way of telling you what it needs, whether it's through muscle soreness, fatigue, or even cravings for certain nutrients. Paying attention to these signals and allowing yourself to rest when needed is a skill that's often overlooked. Don't be afraid to adjust your training schedule and prioritize rest when your body is asking for it.

So what does a rest day look like anyways?

An ideal rest day could involve starting the morning with light stretching or easy yoga to increase flexibility and circulation. Consider engaging in low-intensity activities like a mid morning walk or a swim, and ensure you maintain good nutrition even though you are not “training” that day. Focus on mindfulness practices such as meditation for stress reduction. Treat your muscles to a sports massage or foam rolling session to alleviate any soreness. Enjoy a relaxed activity with loved ones in the evening, and wind down with relaxation techniques before a restful night's sleep.

Your fitness journey isn't just about the hard work you put in during your workouts. It includes proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and yes, sufficient rest. So, the next time you feel guilty for taking a rest day, remember that you're not just lounging around – you're actively investing in your body's ability to perform at its best.

Interested in talking with a coach?

Setting Realistic Fitness Goals: Dream Big, Start Small

Setting goals is a powerful way to drive progress and achieve success in your fitness journey. At CrossFit Ampersand, we believe in the importance of setting realistic fitness goals that inspire and motivate you. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of setting effective goals and help you understand why starting small can lead to big wins.

Why Set Realistic Fitness Goals?

Setting realistic fitness goals is essential for long-term success. When your goals are realistic, they become attainable and sustainable. Here's why:

  1. Specificity: Clearly define your goals. Vague goals like "get fit" or "lose weight" lack specificity. Instead, aim for goals like "run a 5K race in 3 months" or "increase strength by 20% in 6 weeks."

  2. Measurability: Set goals that can be tracked and measured. This allows you to monitor your progress and make adjustments along the way. Measurable goals could include "perform 10 push-ups" or "reduce body fat percentage by 5%."

  3. Attainability: Ensure your goals are achievable. Setting goals that are too far-fetched can lead to frustration and disappointment. Choose goals that challenge you, yet are within your reach given your current fitness level and commitment.

  4. Relevance: Align your goals with your personal aspirations and values. Determine why these goals are important to you. The more meaningful they are, the more motivated you'll be to pursue them.

  5. Time-Bound: Set a timeframe for your goals. This creates a sense of urgency and accountability. For example, instead of saying "I want to improve my flexibility," set a time-bound goal like "achieve a full split within 3 months."

Dream Big, Start Small: The Power of Incremental Steps

Dreaming big is crucial, but starting small is the key to sustainable progress. Here's why breaking down your goals into smaller milestones is so effective:

  1. Build Momentum: By focusing on smaller, attainable goals, you build momentum and gain a sense of accomplishment with each milestone you achieve. This positive reinforcement fuels your motivation to keep going.

  2. Gain Confidence: As you consistently achieve smaller goals, your confidence grows. This newfound confidence empowers you to tackle more significant challenges and push your limits further.

  3. Stay Motivated: The journey to a major goal can be long and arduous. By setting smaller goals, you have frequent opportunities to celebrate successes, which keeps you motivated and engaged in the process.

  4. Make Adjustments: Starting small allows you to assess your progress and make necessary adjustments. You can fine-tune your approach, evaluate what's working, and pivot if needed to ensure continued progress. Working with your coach regularly allows you to make these adjustments to continue moving in the right direction.

Creating Your Roadmap to Success

At CrossFit Ampersand, our coaches are here to guide you in creating a roadmap to reach your goals. We'll help you define clear objectives, break them down into smaller, achievable milestones, and provide personalized guidance every step of the way. Together, we'll ensure you stay motivated, focused, and on track towards realizing your fitness aspirations.

Dream big, but remember to start small. Let's set realistic fitness goals and make steady progress towards the best version of yourself!

We are here to help guide you through the process and set realistic and attainable goals. We want to meet you!

Unleash Your Potential: Conquer Sleep Troubles with Our 6-Week Intensive Program

Sleep, the cornerstone of overall well-being, often eludes us when life gets busy and stress takes over. If you find yourself tossing and turning, waking up groggy, and struggling to stay alert during the day, you're not alone. At CrossFit Ampersand, we understand the toll that poor sleep can take on your physical and mental health, as well as your performance in every aspect of life. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our 6-Week Sleep Intensive program, specifically designed to help individuals like you conquer sleep troubles and unlock their true potential.

Identifying the Problem:

We get it! Hardworking individuals with demanding jobs and active family lives, often juggle long hours at work, parenting responsibilities, and personal commitments. Balancing it all can be overwhelming, leaving little time for self-care and quality sleep. The result? Sleep becomes a casualty, affecting their energy levels, focus, mood, and overall well-being. We recognize this struggle and are here to provide the solution.

Introducing the Solution:

Our 6-Week Sleep Intensive program offers personalized guidance and support from a certified sleep coach who specializes in addressing sleep-related challenges. By partnering with our sleep coach, you'll embark on a transformative journey towards restorative sleep and reclaiming your vitality.

Personalized Approach

Each client receives individual attention from our certified sleep coach who will assess your specific sleep needs, habits, and challenges. Your program will be tailored to your unique circumstances and goals.

Sleep Education

Gain valuable insights into the science of sleep, understanding the factors that affect sleep quality, and discovering proven strategies for better sleep habits.

Manage Stress

Learn effective stress reduction techniques to quiet your mind and create a calm environment conducive to restful sleep. Your coach will guide you through relaxation exercises and provide coping mechanisms to manage life's pressures.

Ongoing Support and Accountability

Throughout the 6-week program, your sleep coach will provide continuous support, monitoring your progress, and offering guidance whenever needed. They will help you overcome obstacles and adjust strategies for optimal results.

Invest in yourself

By investing in our 6-Week Sleep Intensive, you are investing in your health, well-being, and overall performance. Imagine waking up refreshed, feeling energized throughout the day, and tackling challenges with clarity and focus. You'll be better equipped to excel at work, enjoy quality time with your family, and pursue your passions with renewed vigor.

Don't let poor sleep hold you back from living your best life. Join our 6-Week Sleep Intensive program at CrossFit Ampersand and take control of your sleep health. Our certified sleep coaches are ready to guide you towards a restful, rejuvenating sleep experience. Unleash your potential and awaken a new chapter of vitality and well-being. It's time to prioritize your sleep and unlock the extraordinary within you.

Looking to get started? Book an Intro by clicking below!

Member Spotlight: Kaitlyn

Meet Kaitlyn! She has been a force to be reckoned with since she walked into the door at Ampersand. She has been working so hard at acheiving her goals and it shows. We are so proud of all of the hard work that you have put in and look forward to all of your continued success!

Why did you join CrossFit Ampersand?

I’m not good at going to a regular gym alone with my headphones in. I had seen some stuff about CrossFit that made me nervous… but the environment of people cheering you on and helping you achieve what you didn’t think you could do, sucked me in. When I first walked in, I was nervous, but shortly realized I was able to do more than I thought I could! I love the community and friendships I’ve made and I just have come to realize I can be healthy and fit and do things in real life and not have to be tired and miss out! 

What's been your biggest accomplishment so far?

I concluded my 90 days and I lost 17 pounds of fat in that time. I made friends and gained confidence, I have more energy. There’s seriously so much I’ve gained already! Also being voted rookie of the year made my heart so happy to realize people see the work I’m putting in. 

What are you working on now (or what do you want to accomplish next)?

Continue to perfect my form in weight lifting and seeing where I’m at now compared to when I started. Different movements like pull ups and push-ups are a work in progress but being in the gym with everyone else suffering with you but having fun is worth it!

What's your favorite CrossFit Ampersand memory?

The first workout I ever finished last in, everyone in the gym (full class) gathered around me and pushed me past the wall in my head to actually finish a difficult workout. Proving I could do it! Oh, and being voted rookie of the year at the Christmas party!

What motivates you to continue training at CrossFit Ampersand?

Community and support 100%, my health and the thought of starting a family and I can start by being healthy and being able to take care of my body. Nutritionally and physically 

Being a part of a community that supports you and pushes you towards your goals is where the magic is. Book an Intro and see how we can help you achieve success!

Member Spotlight: Josh

Josh came in with one goal in mind… to prove to himself and others that he could get into the best shape of his life. Since then he has put on several pounds of muscle, lost body fat, and has hit all time bests on his major lifts. He is constantly pushing himself to see what his limit is, but on top of all that, he is one humble dude. Thank you Josh for being such an inpiration to those around you inside and outside of the gym!

Why did you join CrossFit Ampersand?

I’ve always been competitive. I’ve always loved being active and working out. The combination of these things inside the Ampersand family atmosphere has been very welcoming. 

What's been your biggest accomplishment so far?

Muscle ups! That S___ ain’t easy. I struggled to learn the movement for years at a previous gym. Jeff showed me one small tip with feet placement during my Kip that solved my mental block. It was like a light switch turning on. 

What are you working on now (or what do you want to accomplish next)?

I’m trying to perfect my form in all things CrossFit. From push-ups and pull-ups to Clean/Jerks. Learning how to do it the right way is important to longevity in this sport. 

What's your favorite CrossFit Ampersand memory?

My favorite memory so far has to be the first time I did a Muscle Up. I was in shock. I worked so hard for so long to learn that movement. It felt really good. 

What motivates you to continue training at CrossFit Ampersand?

That’s easy, I want to look good naked. I mean, I can’t be the only one?

Want to have a spotlight of your own? Book a No Sweat Intro and talk to a coach!

Member Spotlight: Erica

We would like to introduce to you all Erica! Erica has been making incredible progress since joining our community. We are very proud of the progress she has made and how fun it is having you in class with us every week! You are a rockstar! Keep it up!

Why did you join Ampersand?

I joined CrossFit because I needed a change and what I was currently doing wasn’t working. I was just over a year out from having a hysterectomy and I hadn’t been able to find any consistency with my diet and exercise since I’d had the surgery. I needed something more structured and I hoped that CrossFit in conjunction with nutrition coaching would be what I was looking for. 

What's been your biggest accomplishment so far and what would you like to accomplish next?

There have been so many accomplishments it’s hard to pick just one that stands out. It ranges from the strength I have gained and the heavy lifts I’ve been able to accomplish, to the nutritional habits I’ve created while doing the nutrition coaching. Right now I’m working on getting strong enough to do a full push-up, pull up, handstand and wall walk. 

What's your favorite CrossFit Ampersand memory?

My favorite memories at Ampersand change week to week. My most recent was Monday during the WOD. We were doing Murph prep.  I was the last one working and it was about 4 minutes from the time cap. The whole class yelled and encouraged me to keep pushing until the very end. I finished with 7 seconds to spare. I can’t exactly put into words how it feels when that happens but it’s the most amazing feeling. 

What motivates you to continue training at CrossFit Ampersand?

Ampersand has become one of my happy places. No matter how crappy my day has been, going there takes it all away. The second I start driving to the gym my anxiety from the day melts away and I can’t wait to get there and leave whatever I have going on on the gym floor. The people, the environment, the hard work is all so rewarding for me. There’s something about being in a place where you can grow and you know there is no judgement. It took me a while to realize that no body else cares what I’m doing or how I look as long as I’m giving my all. It’s amazing how addicting health and fitness becomes when the environment is right. Along with everything above, seeing the results I was seeking in the beginning - weight and fat loss, muscle gain, strength, consistency - motivates me to show up. 


Want to be our next success story? Book a No Sweat Intro today!

5 reasons why you should sign your child up for our youth program this summer!

Goodbye Couch Potatoes!

Sayonara to endless screen time! Our program is what you are looking for that gets kids off the couch and moving! It's time to break free from the clutches of sedentary living and embrace a world of active fun!

Supercharge Fitness!

We're here to transform fitness from meh to magnificent! Our program unleashes a wave of energy, strength, and endurance, leaving your kids feeling like superheroes. Say hello to a fitter, stronger, and more awesome version of your child!

Friends, Fitness, and Fun!

Get ready for a social extravaganza! Our Youth Program is the ultimate hangout spot where kids make friends, laugh, and conquer challenges together. It's a high-five party that celebrates the joy of movement and the power of friendship!

Confidence Boost!

We're in the business of confidence explosions! Our coaches are experts in unleashing inner warriors, empowering kids to believe in themselves and tackle anything life throws their way. Watch your child's self-esteem soar to new heights!

Skills for the Win!

We're not just teaching moves; we're creating superstars! Our program unlocks a treasure trove of skills, from jumping, climbing, and lifting to all-around athletic awesomeness. Your child will level up their game, whether on the field, court, or playground!

So, parents, buckle up and get ready for a Summer of fitness, friendships, confidence, and skills. Our Youth Program at CrossFit Ampersand is the gateway to a world of health, happiness, and a whole lot of fun!

Spaces in our Youth Program are limited! Join us on June 19th to kickstart their fitness journey and set them on the path to a healthier, happier future!

Meet your youth coach!


Hey, I'm Eli, youth coach at CrossFit Ampersand! I am a certified CrossFit Level 2 trainer and CrossFit Kids certified youth coach. I have worked with many young athletes and I'm dedicated to helping them excel in their fitness journey.

Welcome Greg to the Ampersand Team!

We are excited to welcome Greg to the Ampersand team!

Greg walked in to Ampersand after a hard recovery from an injury while racing his dirt bike. His main goals were to recover from his injury stronger than before, and increase his fitness to better improve his racing results.

His work ethic and determination towards his goals have proven in his increased work capacity and his speed on the course when he is on his bike. It is exciting as coaches to hear that CrossFit is doing its job when you hear reports of improved times, or personal bests outside of the gym. We get even more excited when those people who have worked so diligently see the value, and want to bring that to others.

Greg is another reminder that CrossFit is for everyone! So we asked him a few questions about his CrossFit journey. 

What are your passions?
My passion in life is Desert Racing. Ever since I started to ride that little word "racing" popped up and seemed to take over my mind and soul.

Why did you start, and how did you find CrossFit?
I found CrossFit online just surfing the web. I chose CrossFit because I needed to change my
routine and challenge my body. Which all of the coaches are happy to challenge what you are
capable of doing.

What was your first impression?
My first impression of the gym was clean and very open. Everyone really cared that you came
to classes and did your best on good and bad days.

What are your goals?
One of my goals that ties into racing is I want to become a Expert Racer. So far I have lost over 100lbs from before and after I started CrossFit.

What has CrossFit done for you?
CrossFit has showed me I can push myself harder and in multiple different ways. The recovery time from my achilles injury went so much smoother than I expected with the help of training at Ampersand. Also I really like the atmosphere of working out with a group of people.

What’s one accomplishment you’re proud of during your time at CrossFit Ampersand?
I am proud of myself for being able to do kipping pull ups, handstand pushups, and having the
ability to use my whole body to do more complex movements.

Would you recommend CrossFit Ampersand to others?
Heck yes, I've told so many people about the benefits from CrossFit and that they should come join the team.

What advice would you give someone who is interested in CrossFit?
My advice to others would be no matter how hard something may seem you only have to beat yourself not others. Giving a 100% with everything from the amount of weight or speed. Give your 100% and the coaches and everyone around you will do the same for you so you can excel and achieve your goals.

Welcome to the Team Greg!

Why Real Gyms Don’t Look Like “Gyms”

We opened Ampersand in November 2014 with a private loan. 

The loan came from a mentor we’d asked to invest in us and our dream. After several attempts at a business plan, he finally said yes. He loaned us a fraction of what we’d asked him for and said make it work. Our loan was personally guaranteed, which means… whether you make it or not, you owe that money back. We felt like we hit the lottery, we were excited, but the risk was scary. We had to make it.

Our small budget (especially compared to what it would take to open a typical big box gym) was actually an advantage: Instead of focusing on all the fancy equipment and mirrors, we could only afford to buy the basic equipment and focused our efforts on our coaching and our community.

Since we didn’t have the means for a marketing budget, we relied on giving great coaching and the best experience possible to help spread the word about Ampersand! And that meant we had to DELIVER.

The day finally came. We got our equipment. We started painting, moving heavy flooring, and we got to work.

We made a lot of noise, we programmed fun workouts, and we got people FIT! 


We’ve been open for years now, and while we’ve upgraded some equipment, you still won’t find rows of “typical” gym machines. Instead, you’ll see people doing burpees, squats, pull ups, deadlifts etc… Because that’s what actually works.

When you come to our gym, you will see a lot of open space. You may ask yourself, “Why?” or “Where are all the machines?” Results require movement and movement requires lots of space! If you want to get fit or healthy you are going to be moving a lot and it doesn’t require fancy equipment.

Everyone who comes into Ampersand has, at some point, visited or been a member at another gym. When we sit down and talk about their goals and their struggles, almost all of them say, “I enjoyed it for a while, but I just didn’t see any results.” There were lots of things that drew them to those gyms… Maybe it was the fancy machines, or the super swole guy at the front desk, or it was the cheapest option… But eventually they had to make a decision for themselves, and that was to find a coach.

Real coaches, professional coaches… the ones whose livelihood depends on getting results for their clients use things like bodyweight movements, rowers, barbells, boxes, and most importantly science based nutrition strategies. They chose what works over what’s “typical”. They adjust workouts and movements to fit each client, based on their needs and goals. 

At Ampersand we have everything you need, and nothing you don’t.

You are in and out in an hour. No wasted time, no wasted space, and lots of coaching!

We are glad we started basic and focused on results. Because the results speak for themselves. Our clients are doing well and are far more fit and healthy than they were when they were at those budget big box gyms. We may not look like a traditional “gym” but thats part of our secret. Come in and see for yourself!


Inspiration provided by

The Happy Gym


Now more than ever, having a great coach is the key to staying healthy during these times.

At Ampersand we get it, the world has been turned upside down due to the COVID-19 pandemic and we want you to know that we are here to put the “happy” back into your day. Our goal is to make the time you spend in the gym the best hour of your day and we have all the tools to do that!

1. Accountability - The coaches at Ampersand are here to keep you connected through constant communication to keep you moving forward to your goals. Getting your workouts in is important, but so are things like proper nutrition, rest, and managing the stress of your day! Your coach is here to keep you in the right frame of mind and avoid those emotional reaches into the pantry!

2. Personalization - There are thousands of workouts that you can choose from online. But most of them are general and not specific. We understand that everyone is different and so are your goals. Having a coach sit down and talk to you about your goals before you even step into the gym ensures that our team is doing our best to help you achieve them. We’ll make sure that you stay on track and keep nudging you back onto the right path. (Ready to schedule a goal review session? Click HERE!)

3. Flexibility - Priorities can change, especially as you navigate different phases of life, and your coaches at Ampersand are here to change with you. A good coach will adjust and adapt your program to fit your needs. In these uncertain times your coach is here to adjust as you do.  


4. Creating better habits and healthy mindset - During quarantine you may have been sleeping in late, staying in your pajamas all day, struggling with your nutrition, and feeling worn down. By getting back into the gym, we can help you add structure back into your routine! Your coach can assist you with new planning tools, task and checklists, as well as introduce new ways of creating productivity and a positive mindset! Our staff checks in with our clients often to help you create the healthier lifestyle you have always wanted.

5. Community - Social connection is paramount these days. We have been isolated from people for a while and plugging into a group of likeminded people is important to your success. When you come to Ampersand you are not just a number! You are greeted by name and welcomed into our amazing community. Being happy means staying connected. In addition to regular communication about your fitness goals, we can also meet with you virtually (through phone, Zoom, or messenger) to chat or have coffee, and you’re invited to join any of our virtual and in person social events with the gym family!

Looking for some help? Reach out and schedule a No Sweat Intro today, and chat with your coach by clicking HERE!

Inspiration provided by


Success Story - Illene

Ilene has had such an amazing transformation both physically and mentally. Her commitment and positive attitude are contagious! Check out her story here!

Will you be our next success story?

Will Lifting Weights Make Me Look Bulky?

Will lifting weights make me bulky?

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As consumers of the media, we are constantly bombarded with images of bodies that are designed to look a certain way. From small and skinny to big and bulky, celebrities and bodybuilders alike, we see what we are told we should look like. That’s the thing… why is anyone telling you what to look like? What does healthy and happy look like on YOU? But I digress. Let’s talk about what this blog is about: lifting weights. Many people believe that lifting weights will make you bulky. That is so far from the truth. Lifting weights makes you strong

Sure, if you want to get big, lifting weights can help do that for you. That’s why people train a certain way, eat a certain way, and take certain supplements in order to get to a certain size. This is often known as bodybuilding. 

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Women especially should NOT be limited to lightweights, cardio, and isolated machines. Aside from it being totally awesome when a girl can out-lift a guy, it’s even cooler when she can pick up her injured kid off the playground or pack the car with the giant cooler for the weekend getaway. Lifting weights makes you strong, and that makes life much more enjoyable. 

Learn more about how we can help you reach your goals by booking a No Sweat Intro. Don’t worry, there’s no ‘sweating’ involved ;)

Julia's Success Story

At Ampersand we are about changing lives. Julia is committed to herself and has a new outlook on life! We meet everyone where they are and assist them in smashing their goals, just like Julia!

Meet our Intern Eli!


Hi I’m Elisha! But most people call me Eli. I was born in Lake Tahoe, but I’ve lived in Nevada my whole life. During my High School career, I played Football for 2 years and I wrestled for part of my Senior year. I took 2 years of a Weight Training class that implemented the CrossFit methodology.

I am currently studying Kinesiology at the University of Nevada, Reno to become a physical therapist or athletic trainer. I always like working out with other people and I am always ready to make a new friend! I’m a born again man who loves Jesus and I’m always seeking truth and knowledge through the Bible. My favorite hobby is photoshop and I like to draw cartoons from time to time.

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CrossFit is my passion. I started CrossFit sometime during the summer of 2017. I used to be a bodybuilder who loved lifting weights, but I was lacking in so many other areas of my fitness. Then, one day, my weight training teacher showed our class a video called, “The Test of Fitness” (I highly recommend watching it). After watching the video, I was immediately hooked on CrossFit. I completed my CrossFit Level 1 Course on January 27, 2019.

I wanted to get into coaching because I love helping other people. I’ve found a new interest in helping athletes to improve their fitness and their lives for the future. I am constantly learning new things and always ready to help!

Meet James! Intern Extraordinaire!


I am a Texan transplant at the age of five, so I claim the Carson Valley as my home. I've tried to leave multiple times but always come back. Nevada is just so free and open! Tahoe and the mountains really help keep life in perspective. Getting to see the stars every night and I love being able to hike, climb, camp, snowboard, hit the beach or fish at anytime I want.

I also love taking photos of nature, moss and little ecosystems. Drawing has been a passion of mine since I was a child.

I've always been competitive, but my fitness journey began with sports. I played football from age 12 till I was 19 and ran track all through high school and have trained in numerous other sports just for the fun. I was never the most talented, so i had to train harder to actually play or get noticed. My coaches gave me a good base of understanding of my body and fitness.

I had been coaching throughout my playing career and continued coaching football after it ended. I still lived the training aspect more so I started training kids on the side getting them ready for the season and helping at camps. Between my own training and coaching youth, I decided to try personal training. There was a lot within the industry I just didn't agree with at the time and didn't quite fit the mainstream fitness mold.


Around then I was trying to join the military and started developing my own programming to fit the skills of the job I was going for. What I developed worked, but then I found CrossFit. Compete in and coaching CrossFit was my new passion. It had everything I wanted. Torturous workouts, full body movements, heavy lifts, could coach anyone and everyone, no mirrors or squat racks being used for flexing sessions, growing in knowledge was encouraged, and it was FUN!

What really hooked me was the community! In sports, supporting the community was essential. As an athlete you are to uphold the best in people and represent the best of the community outside yourself and the team. Without it, you have no team. You have no athletes. Your coaches are useless. The mainstream industry was way more individualistic. I missed that while trying to find where my life was headed and doing it in my own was terrifying at the time. In CrossFit everyone is an athlete and capable of the same great things and each of us is there to support their journey as well as pursue our own.


At Crossfit Ampersand after 8 years in the sport and 3 boxes. A gym that has everything that got me into CrossFit is my home. The community support in this gym helped motivate me and helped me rediscover my passion for fitness. Helped put myself out there in ways I hadn't before. I look forward to returning the favor, helping people move and live full lives, building this community further and of course having some fun!